By wish his dad had worn one - 07/06/2014 21:16 - United States - Clinton

Today, I was playing some soccer with my buddies, when a kid came over, yelled "CUP CHECK!" and nailed me in the nuts then ran away laughing. Millions of my unborn children died in agony. All his fatass mom did was chuckle nervously and pat her satan-spawn on the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 646
You deserved it 5 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is it with trashy parents not disciplining their kids?

What a little asshole. Maybe a stray soccer ball will hit him between the legs...


Little Turd. That's why I hate Kids and their fat ass mothers.

That's when you pick up the ball & whip it at his head yelling: "HELMET CHECK!" Then watch & laugh as the kid flops to the ground like a fish out of water.

I always feel that when parents do this sort of thing, and don't at least ACT like the kid did something wrong, that you as a victim of "assault" should call the cops. It breaks down their little world and forces mommy to acknowledge that he did something wrong. She would then have to deal with a court case. You could make a civil suit by saying it cost you quality of life because you couldn't be with your lover due to that kid and sue her if you wished.

this ,op defiantly should have called the cops & if you know who the little shit was or can find out , you can still file a report & press charges

octinate 17

Why is everyone's solution to everything always to sue? And also calling the cops in this situation would just get you laughed at. The mom should have done something because the next guy that kid hurts may not be so forgiving and he may end up getting hurt himself, she's a bad mom. But suing and calling the cops? Really!???

soragirlfriend 8

Yes sweetheart, child or not, this is assault. And you can get the mother for failing to discipline him. But you would have to prove actual damage was done in order to win the lawsuit, however.

Should have seen how good your shot was.You had one big target and one small.Double points for hitting the small one

That kid is lucky I'm not his mom... Poor OP

This is why people should be screened before being allowed to reproduce.

That makes no sense at all based on this fml.

I think he meant the mother. Not sure though,

Gotta have that cup on. Expect the unexpected.

Id have spent the rest of the afternoon accidentally hitting fatty and chunky in the face and hear with socce balls.

I thought that was only a baseball thing. It's always funny when someone gets hit without. cup.

>_> this is why we are supposed to expect the unexpected.