By locksmack - 14/06/2009 12:46 - Australia

Today, I was peeing in the shower when my girlfriend suddenly pulled open the shower curtain in an attempt to scare me. Startled, I quickly spun around and peed all over her dress. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 892
You deserved it 58 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I feel you and people who say peeing in the shower is bad screw them it saves time and is smart. FYL

pippysthename00 0

I actually laughed harder at number three's comment than the actual FML...

Uepari 0

SDI. She was the one who walked in on you. Maybe you should return the favor.

blue_mandie4 0

ouch. i don't think it's anyone's fault, it's just bad luck. i pee in the shower all the time. there's nothing wrong with it. why go to the toilet, piss, flush, and wait, shivering and cold, while your shower goes back to a normal temperature. besides, it's just a little pee. people are too fastidious.

ajscw 0

Ya y were u peeing in the shower

hjbuchan 0

peeing in the shower is environmentally friendly. It saves water.

beaverdogmouse 0

she must have been pissed off... err... no.. pissed on.

SaraLovesMyChem 0

What if the guy was about to take a shower and had to pee 1st. So to conserve water, he peed in the shower before he actually showered.