By fatman - 14/12/2009 18:49 - United States

Today, I was on a plane. The person sitting next to me was using the plane's wifi, and was on Facebook. They joined the group 'I hate sitting next to fat people on airplanes'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 729
You deserved it 11 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crumsnatcha 4

Did they join the group 'I hate people who look over my shoulder and read my screen' afterward? CUZ THAT'S WHATCHA DID.


People that post comments about stuff like 'Oooh its your own fault fatty' and stuff like that are pissing me off. I happen to have a sister with diabeaties from, not justy weight, but a disease that causes the corizone levels to go grazy, and everything else is extremly low. She eats normal and it never works. PLUS her hormones dont help a bit, shes 9 and her hormones are like a 14-15 year old's. Shes on her period and of course, that makes her, not only more hungry, but get larger hips and breasts. Some of you guys sicken me. But I have to agree with some of you. FRIED OREOS RULE. ;)

Damn keyboard. *Diabetes plus IDK about the corisone or whatever its either *Cortisone or *Cortisol I think its cortisol but im only 15 and was homeschooled for 3 years, so yeah.. Not that perfect. Every dam has its crack. :L

rzbt21 0

this is the answer that should be in every FML regarding sonebodys fatness

wireless is inaccessible on an aircraft because it interferes with the planes instruments. thanks for coming out.

emotive_fml 0

#33: Have you ever wondered why fat people hate "normal" people like you? Did you ever stop to think that fat people may be mean because of comments like that. My mother is over weight and has been trying for years to loose weight. It's not something that happens over night. It's not easy either. Not all fat people eat and eat. Some of them can't loose weight. It's bullshit like this that causes eating disorders. You are an ignorant ****. OP: I'm sorry you noticed that. But you did kinda deserve it. Looking over his/her shoulder... being nosy. Otherwise it was a rude thing for that person to do. But don't let it bother you... It's just Facebook. You shouldn't care about his/her opinion anyway. That person doesn't know you in real life. Smile :) Take it with a grain of salt hun.

IronMaiden45 0

isn't it bad to use wifi on a plane? o.0

fastbunny 0

You deserve a foot up your ass bitch