By justin Bieber - 15/06/2015 14:49 - United States - Westland

Today, I was on a boat and I thought I saw a towel fly off, but it was actually my fricken dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 187
You deserved it 5 498

Same thing different taste

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Towel or dog? Looks just alike to me also. Anyway hope he or she is ok.

if your dog can fly, then he's a unicorn hybrid. with super powers. And wings.

#47: Or you could use a leash that's not long enough to let that happen...

Or the boat could have a wreck, people will get tossed way out, and the tied dog drowns.

Or you could remember that most dogs (especially ones that are used to being on boats) are good swimmers and he probably enjoyed himself. I had to hold my old dog while my ex drove the boat just to stop him from jumping in while the motor was going

OP, I really really hope your dog is okay!

Kinda new here. OP is Original Poster, right?

Dogs can swim... Hopi to it was a lake or something where you could turn around and get him or her on board asap

Seems like it would've been graceful... If it was making any noose though, it couldn't have been a towel