By JH - 01/07/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I was making out with my new boyfriend when he pulled away and looked me deeply in the eyes, he smiled and said, "I don't care what anyone else says, I think you're beautiful." FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 51

Top comments

1. He's saying that you're beautiful. 2. He won't listen to what anyone else says about you. Why is that so bad?

Yee12 0

He did say you were beautiful.


tarheels32388 0

this shouldn't be an FML, sorry

Dawgsays 0

OP You should be happy, that means he's the odd man out with everyone because he truly does think your beautiful.

i totally dont think that sucks. i think its sweet. it doesnt necessarily mean that everyone thinks shes ugly.

rochelle123 0

How is this a FML i dont get it. I think its nice

I don't understand the FML here. her boyfriend didn't actually say that other people thought she was ugly, you people (and OP) just took it that way. what he is saying is that if they were saying things like that about her, he doesn't care what they think. OP needs to chill.

Iamokota 0

Really? This is definitely NOT an FML. I would have taken it as a compliment and been happy. OP is being a wee bit ridiculous.

OP why would u care what everybody else thinks if he thinks ur beautiful, its not he agreed with them

That's not a FML, he told you he loved you the way you are and he doesnt care what people say...

bellbotch21 0