By JH - 01/07/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, I was making out with my new boyfriend when he pulled away and looked me deeply in the eyes, he smiled and said, "I don't care what anyone else says, I think you're beautiful." FML
I agree, your life sucks 457
You deserved it 50

Top comments

1. He's saying that you're beautiful. 2. He won't listen to what anyone else says about you. Why is that so bad?

Yee12 0

He did say you were beautiful.


kingkong954 0

y would it matter she's not dating everyone else. I just think some people like to bitch about nothing

HOW is this an FML? Yeah, people probably talk shit about you. Everybody talks shit about someone at some point. The important thing is that he's looking beyond the gossip and the shallowness. So not an FML at all.

youthink_fml 0

Damn I hate stupid FMLs like this. Yes, your life is ******, because you can't take a joke. He should dump you and find someone with a sense of humor and someone that doesn't look for things to bitch about.

alex31590_fml 0

why u complain? gosh woman are so complicated, and this one seems particularly dumb

HazelBunny 0

æ.o aaaaahahshahahajahahajajahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha ;)

i've had this said to me and it made me feel good

Volcan_fml 22
onorexveritas 23

he's a good guy, stop being selfish

YDI: he was trying to be nice, so get over it. My boyfriend says the same thing all the time. The fact that he finds you beaufitul even if no one else does should make feel loved, not that you have to post it to FML. Loser.

He did tell you how beautiful you are!