By britchick95 - 10/10/2012 20:03 - United States - Grand Island

Today, I was loudly bitched out by someone for speaking in a fake British accent, to make myself "sound sophisticated". I moved here two years ago from London. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 758
You deserved it 2 210

britchick95 tells us more.

Can't say I've ever been to Ohio.

Top comments

Wow... If i was you I would have bitched right back at her in my "fake" accent.

You should sling some good British jargon at the bloody rube. That would make him feel like the dumbass he clearly is.


Insult him back in every British term you know

oh and uh one more thing, British accents don't make you sound more sophisticated...that's what Australian accents are for lol

You must be joking! The Australian accent sounds like a country bumkin cousin compared to British.

Yes, I was joking. And I got a really bad reaction lol

You're absolutely right about our accent being sophisticated... I mean, just watch Kath and Kim:)

No no no... Australian accents make one appear more attractive. British accents do make one appear more sophisticated. Provided they aren't from Liverpool.

lacespace 8

That's because idiots (such as myself) walk around drunk pretending to be British. Weirdly everyone always seems to believe me. Perhaps we fake it so often we don't even know the real sound anymore.

Sorry that happened, OP. My mom had the same problem. Amazing that in a country with so many prople from so many places, this is still such a big deal.

Why do people care about that sort of thing? Life is too short to chew out everyone you think is being an idiot.

they might still be upset over that revolutionary war thing.

koolkat27 13

Why would they be upset about that? US won that.

perdix 29

London, Ohio, I'll bet. Quit trying to sound like the GEICO gecko!

perdix 29

How about London, Texas; London, Arkansas; London, Michigan; or any of the other 11 Londons in the US, or London, Ontario, Canada? And are you impersonating the Orbit gum girl?

The only London I've been to is London, Ontario. As far as I know the others are all made up, like Gotham. Don't take me seriously, I'm just kidding, of course Gotham isn't made up. I've saved it from destruction time and time again.

Iniezian 18

How about London, Ontario then? Or London, Kiribati? Or Arkansas? Cali? Kentucky? Texas? Wow, I really need a life.

London, England dumbass, that's the only London that matters

u kinda deserved it for moving to us from uk...

Well, it's not exactly like I had a choice...