By Syferix - 18/03/2009 22:42 - United States

Today, I was leaving to go over to a friend's and my parents suddenly ask if I'm gay. I reply that no, I'm bisexual. My mom then asks if I've ever made out with someone of the same sex and I say yes. She turns to my dad and says 'I told you so. You owe me $20'. My parents bet on my sexuality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 110 646
You deserved it 27 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fail_truck 0

Your parents are awesome. Lol.

#5 why is that terrible? His/her/whatever parents have a healthy view of sexuality (i.e., that it's completely trivial). I'm with 4 and 6. Would you rather their parents shun them for being gay/bi? Honestly, this is something my parents would do, and I would laugh along with them, because it's hilarious.


pretty sure i've seen this one before...

Yeah, this is totally not a FML situation. You should be very, very grateful.

#79: well I am sorry then, but I just cannot respect that. I do my best to tolerate and I do not make a fuss about it, but no one is going to make me accept and respect gay relationships. It's okay, people can do whatever they want; so basically I am not entitled to have my opinion too?

Be happy, your parents havea good sense of humor and are obviously accepting of your lifestyle. I can name more people that I'd like that either CANT come out to their family or have and are miserable because of the way their family now treats them (if they are ven speaking)

yme 0

the worst part is they only bet $20, it would be really bad if they bet like a dime

If I were you.. I'd make my parents watch the movie "Prayers for Bobby" and then when they're all sobby and what not.. just yell it out. hahahaha i'm gay and when i came out to my mother.. she just laughed at me and thought i was kidding..

I am male and Bi. If I said yes to that second question, it would've been about 10 seconds until my mother had a preacher holding me down telling me to "Repent as I have sinned against 'God.'" Not to mention the day I turn 18 in a couple of months I would be kicked out of my house. You are very lucky to have such accepting parents. I would love to be able to 'come out' to my family (Almost everyone else is well aware of this fact, and I have had 3 boyfriends that neither of my parents knew about, actually my dad found out about the most recent one, but he doesn't care), however, whenever anything about sexualities comes about on TV, be it Ads, specials, etc. My mother defaults to saying something along these lines, "Those filthy faggots deserve to burn in hell." You do not have an FML situation. If anything, it's those of us that have alternate sexual orientation and are repressed in expressing ourselves that have real FML. There is no way you can feel the emotional torture of knowing that if the person that cared for you since the day you were born, would drop everything and kick you to the streets all because you can see beauty in both Men and Women.

JuliusCaesar_fml 0

Oh wow. That does suck. I'm bi too, I feel your pain.

For the record my parents are divorced.