By imeanreallytho - 11/09/2015 16:20 - United States

Today, I was in the bathroom at work. The lock on the stall door broke, and I couldn't open it. I was all alone and I started having a mini panic attack. After several minutes of frantically trying to fix the lock and hyperventilating, I realized I could just crawl under the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 962
You deserved it 8 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone down voting this has never had an anxiety attack, obviously. Rational thought flys out the window for a good while once one sets in. That said, I'd've waited until someone came in and could get me out because like hell I would crawl on pissy public bathroom floors.

saad2605 16

I'm pretty sure a bathroom door isn't the hardest stuff to get through. I'm not sure if I want to crawl under the bathroom especially in a men's bathroom


Pull pull pull...lucky it wasn't a inclosed room...that's usually pretty scary

I didn't mean to down vote! I know how it feels to have an anxiety attack so send condolences.

I can't believe how gappy American stalls in bathrooms are. Like there is no privacy if someone really wanted to see in.

Anxiety is the worst! OP if this is more than a one time thing, seek help. It really doesn't have to be like that.

This happened to me in middle school. The lock was jammed and I had to crawl. I wasn't expecting urine to be all over the floor... FML

I've been in the same situation OP. It's pretty damn terrifying and the floor is so gross! I almost considered staying locked away forever just so I didn't have to touch the floor. FYL.

AllyJo1231 15

Omg, it's happened to me before OP! Sorry to hear that.

Coming from someone who suffers from panic attacks, you shouldn't read too much into it. Nothing about panic attacks are logical.