By imeanreallytho - 11/09/2015 16:20 - United States

Today, I was in the bathroom at work. The lock on the stall door broke, and I couldn't open it. I was all alone and I started having a mini panic attack. After several minutes of frantically trying to fix the lock and hyperventilating, I realized I could just crawl under the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 962
You deserved it 8 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anyone down voting this has never had an anxiety attack, obviously. Rational thought flys out the window for a good while once one sets in. That said, I'd've waited until someone came in and could get me out because like hell I would crawl on pissy public bathroom floors.

saad2605 16

I'm pretty sure a bathroom door isn't the hardest stuff to get through. I'm not sure if I want to crawl under the bathroom especially in a men's bathroom


Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Reminds me of the story about the unfortunate shopper who got locked inside a supermarket and starved to death.

I probably would've kicked the door open. Lol

khoov19 20

dude all u had to do is lean on the wall and push, was today ur first day in a public restroom, and your generation is gunna be running the nation soon, no wonder I fear for my well being

khoov19 20

dude all u had to do is lean on the wall and push, was today ur first day in a public restroom, and your generation is gunna be running the nation soon, no wonder I fear for my well being. hey if all else fails you could have manned up and just kicked it open....jst sayin...good luck in life!!!!!

Clearly you have not had any experience with an anxiety attack, or panic attacks. Sometimes it's not that easy to just "man up" and kick a door open for someone genuinely terrified about their situation.

Supaviper 14

I've tried being inside a bathroom whose lock won't open - although it wasn't broken. The way i screamed grabbed people from outside the bathroom. Good times. But seriously though, I think OP didn't deserve it, I mean, you start getting thoughts of "I'll never get out of here!!!" and panic. It does feel terrible. FYL op

Wow you're really bad at thinking under pressure

Personally, I'd rather have a panic attack than crawling under the door.

scrollingthru 10

I have panic attacks at the most inconvenient times. usually when i n elevators or backseats of cars.