By hockey9797 - 15/07/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was hit by a car. My sister ran to see if her phone I was carrying in my purse was okay. She screamed at me while I lay in the street because I was so dumb, and that I couldn't even watch for cars. Her screen was cracked. I had to call 911 for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 763
You deserved it 4 022

hockey9797 tells us more.

yeah i broke both my arm and leg on my right side and a few ribs it's not fake

Top comments

cucumberfabulous 7

Wow....Your sister... I don't even know what to say. Her priorities are f**cked up.


varkey 7

FYL. You should have thrown the phone straight onto the ground. Also, never talk to your sister again (or even better, get her back by telling the cops she subtly pushed/tripped you or something, then never talk to her again). FYL

xSwagg 0

I would've slammed her phone into the ground.

You got hit by a car and your more worried about posting it on fml.

MtnBkr00 8

your sister needs to be turned upside down & have her ****** filled with concrete

Suck it up her phone might be siri if so its worth more than you

If you were my sister you'd be in the E.R in less than 2 seconds... I'm sorry her phones more important to her than you....

i would punch her then say how dumb she was for not looking out for fists