By hockey9797 - 15/07/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was hit by a car. My sister ran to see if her phone I was carrying in my purse was okay. She screamed at me while I lay in the street because I was so dumb, and that I couldn't even watch for cars. Her screen was cracked. I had to call 911 for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 763
You deserved it 4 022

hockey9797 tells us more.

yeah i broke both my arm and leg on my right side and a few ribs it's not fake

Top comments

cucumberfabulous 7

Wow....Your sister... I don't even know what to say. Her priorities are f**cked up.


In case it was an iPhone, I'm with her on that... :P

Edenbeam 19

FYL. Your sister is a bitch. = /

xXmoses_rocksXx 0

Wow, FYL. Your sister is a total bitch that DEFINITELY needs to get her priorities straight. Hope you're feeling better and sorry you got hit in the first place!!

What a bitch. I think its common sense to care more about a person who was hit by a vehicle, than a cell phone that can be easily replaced. Just saying.

You got hit by a car and all your sister cared about was HER ******* CELL PHONE. Wow what a bitch

Material items can be replaced. People can't - maybe your sister will learn this in time.

0_JADE_0 0

honestly.. stab the sister. she deserves it.

ccdita 0

What a bitch! Last time I checked, siblings were more important than cell phones that are like, $200. lol