By konacoffee17 - 14/12/2014 05:15 - United States - Portland

Today, I was having a nice conversation with my fiancé when he said out of nowhere, "I sold some of your panties". I thought he was joking so I said I hoped they weren't any of my favorites. He wasn't joking, though, and now some stranger from Craigslist owns my panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 670
You deserved it 3 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

Thank you. I have been really enjoying your panties.

Sorry OP, that sucks. Why would anyone sell panties, especially to someone random on Craigslist!


nialls_girl 13

I'm really curious as to why someone wanted your undies. Did you know the buyer personally do you think? Creepy! Well... Creepy either way.

What a creeper! Dump him now while you still can!

sweetnsourrr 11

Why is everyone is so quick to dump someone now? Yeah, I think its stupid to sell someone's panties and I would be pissed, but I wouldn't dump them for it. I am actually weirded out that someone bought used panties and you all assuming it was a man, it could have been a women. LOL

You mean the panties your mother layed out for you? Maybe he's just bad at the dirty talk...

Run. That's ******* creepy. He violated your privacy and trust, and will probably continue to do so.

What would even make him want to do that...

Goblin182 26

Ask him how much he got. Tell him you usually get twice that much. And, yeah, dump him.

How creepy is that!? Where did he even get the idea?!