By konacoffee17 - 14/12/2014 05:15 - United States - Portland

Today, I was having a nice conversation with my fiancé when he said out of nowhere, "I sold some of your panties". I thought he was joking so I said I hoped they weren't any of my favorites. He wasn't joking, though, and now some stranger from Craigslist owns my panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 670
You deserved it 3 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

Thank you. I have been really enjoying your panties.

Sorry OP, that sucks. Why would anyone sell panties, especially to someone random on Craigslist!


That's really creepy. Did he buy you something nice with that money? If this really who you want to spend the rest of your life with?

Start a business! Your fiancé is simply being smart in this time is possible economic crisis! Think about it: it's a win win situation. You both get money, and all you have to do is put clothes on.

Sounds like he owes you money. And I'd think hard about the prospect of marrying someone who steals your stuff.

If I was a girl, I would just buy some panties to actually wear, and then buy some that I could claim I wore and sell them for money. Who needs a job?

I said it on one of the FMLs from yesterday and I'll say it again. Why has selling other peoples property without their permission become so popular?! On a side note, that is creepy as hell.

how is he still alive? if he congress to this I would start looking for hidden web cams! I say above the shower, in the toilet who knows what else the dream has done