By Anonymous - 18/05/2009 06:45 - Canada

Today, I was drunk and crashed on my friend's couch to sober up. On the drive home, a cop pulled me over for seemingly no reason. He kept asking if I had been drinking, to which I answered no. Finally, he told me to look in the mirror. My friends had written all over my face while I slept. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 986
You deserved it 23 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People... He crashed on his friends couch long enough to sober up! At which point all he was thinking about was his own comfy bed! He didn't look in the mirror because he wanted to get home. It makes sense! OP... Light weight! Never fall asleep first!

If you were still too messed up to see the writing in your mirrors, you shouldn't have been driving.


smiley_girl 0

YDI if you were still to drunk tht you didn't look in the mirror you obviously shouildn't be driving. Don't drink and drive moron, and then lying about it... not such a great idea

@13 its was probably because of the May 2-4 weekend mainly an excuse for all of Canada to get trashed :) @OP but dude i'd probably die laughing if that happened to me, lighten up

ozymandias_fml 0

#27, How did someone who was such an irresponsible driver as to not notice the facial marking *not* deserve it for getting behind the wheel in a state unable to safely drive a car?

yea whenever you wake up after passing out alwayscheck your body. ydi

kellster 2

#27, YDI comments are never uncalled for when the posted clearly deserved it. Welcome to the concept of this site! If you're offended, go somewhere else.

kellster 2

#27, YDI comments are never undeserved when the poster clearly deserves to be getting them. Welcome to the concept of this site. If you're offended, go somewhere else!

cheese1756 0

Wow, some people are not smart at all. Maybe he did not have to use the washroom before he left and so he did not look in the mirror. I use my mirrors in my car all the time and I cannot see my own reflection (it is pointed towards other cars, not myself), how conceited are some of you? How is it bad higeine when he doesn't wash up at friends places? Some people have no logic what-so-ever

Oh my. Haha, that's gonna be on for sure... lol

beebeeL 1

OUCHH , lmao wow tht sucks . & lmao #38 .