By Zeco - 05/02/2011 22:54 - United States

Today, I was driving to work when I was almost hit by a teenage driver. I gave her the finger and shouted "F*** you!" making sure that she heard me. I then saw my boss glaring at me from the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 228
You deserved it 42 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GreeneyedWonder 0

Wow, give the poor teenager a break, I don't think there's a reason to yell "**** you". We all have to be new drivers at some time.

you_failed 15

Hahaha xD YDI. Just honk! No need to make yourself look like an enraged idiot. :P


Skye_Child 0

Fist of all you ass if your a man/woman old enough to get a job why the hell are you yellin at a TEENAGE driver??? I hope you get fired.

why do people react to such idiotic behavior and act idiotic themselves only to allow yourself to feel disgruntled or angry; did it do anything for you? and now your boss knows how childish you allow yourself to be learn to remain positive all tines and this negative feelings are dimished

Octwo 16

I have but one thing to say to new drivers: stay the hell out of the fast lane on the highway or you deserve all the rage you get for driving under the speed limit.

doughnutboy99 2

must be awkward at work now "Hey Jim I saw you yesterday on the road" "yes, did you?" "Yes, when YOU FLIPPED OFF MY DAUGHTER!"

Good for you, OP. Flipping out on occasion when people are being stupid while driving is not such a big deal. So what if it was a teenage driver? They should have enough sense not to almost drive or turn into other cars. Who is to say the "teenage" drive was not 19 or 18? Everyone has gotten pissed off at another driver at least once. The girl putting on make-up on their way to work, the teen texting while driving, the guy digging in the passenger seat looking for something. Or how about the idiot 3 lanes over cutting everyone off getting to their exit. Give the OP a break and stop being a hypocrite.

JosieBongs 0

I enjoy it when I cut someone off and they pull up along side of me to give me the finger. I smile and wave. It just makes them even more mad and that's even better. :] It's truly a waste of time to get so pissed off and give someone the finger. In the end, you look like an idiot and it really doesn't bother the other person. But then again I'm just speaking for myself. :D

xGraycloud 4

it shouldn't matter if ur boss is in the car or not, if the teen almost hit you, you still have every reason to be mad.

At least the kid now knows she was driving dangerously! I learned to drive recently. I see loads of drivers who are more experienced than me doing dangerous things on the road and they don't even seem to notice that they're doing it wrong. When I made mistakes, my mum made sure that I knew it was me in the wrong and that what I had done was dangerous, so I wouldn't do it again. If you nearly hit someone, you kind of have to accept being sworn at and count yourself lucky you didn't actually hurt them. I always keep my distance from cars with L plates now, I remember what I was like as a learner...

Ha. Better yet, what happened when you reached the office OP?