By Zeco - 05/02/2011 22:54 - United States

Today, I was driving to work when I was almost hit by a teenage driver. I gave her the finger and shouted "F*** you!" making sure that she heard me. I then saw my boss glaring at me from the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 228
You deserved it 42 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GreeneyedWonder 0

Wow, give the poor teenager a break, I don't think there's a reason to yell "**** you". We all have to be new drivers at some time.

you_failed 15

Hahaha xD YDI. Just honk! No need to make yourself look like an enraged idiot. :P


MrBoredGuy 1

it's the "baffled king" not the battle king you **** up

Rosiel7891 0

A new driver who isn't ready or confident on a main roads than shouldn't be driving the main roads. They put their lives and others lives on danger than. Thats why new drivers need to learn on roads that are not that busy.

hopelessxdesign 5

then how are they going to learn to drive on busy streets? you have to drive on them to learn how to drive WELL

It didn't even say they were learning... it could be some one who past their test MONTHS ago. Fact is, stereo-typically (no, truthfully) teenage drivers are most likely to cause accidents. When you see a bad driver chances are they are very old or young.

stewpididiot 11

oh yeah ... OP .... I hope you get fired & a dozen or so homeless people use your car for a toilet.

kayPandastyle 15

Have fun in the unemployment line lol

sallen0046 4

YDI for no other reason than screaming obscenities and making obscene gestures at a teenager. You were a new driver at one point yourself. Your childish and rude behavior in no way bettered the situation.

screw all u ppl who think is was his fault

theSSiscool 0

it was his fault for not taking anger management