By Zeco - 05/02/2011 22:54 - United States

Today, I was driving to work when I was almost hit by a teenage driver. I gave her the finger and shouted "F*** you!" making sure that she heard me. I then saw my boss glaring at me from the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 228
You deserved it 42 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GreeneyedWonder 0

Wow, give the poor teenager a break, I don't think there's a reason to yell "**** you". We all have to be new drivers at some time.

you_failed 15

Hahaha xD YDI. Just honk! No need to make yourself look like an enraged idiot. :P


33 absolutely the op deserves it.. op you are an adult, so stop being a dumbass, grow up and use your horn instead of getting road rage.. if it pissed your boss off enough he/she could list a reason to fire you.. so yeah you're screwed and ydi.. go take some anger management classes

snagglepaste 0

You shouldn't yell at people. no one is a perfect driver.

sandiiiiiii 0

you should start looking for a new job. lol

Meanie!:( YDI for not watching out for speeding teenagers.

When I first started driving I wasn't an idiot. The only accident ive ever been in was because a reckless truck driver ran me off the road and i hit a state trooper. Can't say I wouldve screamed **** you at the kid but I wouldve definetly honked my horn, flicked her off, somethng. And the people that say they wouldnt are liars. And one more thing, for the guy who said its because of drivers like that that make him scared to drive, stop being a pussy. If yu dont drive like a retard, you wont get screamed at or flicked off. Its as simple as that.

"The people that said they wouldn't are liars." Don't assume that everyone in the world is as uncivilized as you are. Some people actually can exercise self-restraint.

You should have stopped at taco bell and bought him a taco

I like taco bell because, being a vegetarian, I can eat their beef.

Rosiel7891 0

I don't think your wrong. Unless your a driver than you people don't understand. If your a new driver than why the hell are you doing on a main street driving in the first place??? Driving isn't a game and if your too scared to be behind the wheel than your not ready to drive on main roads.

Rosiel7891 0

#60 it's called back roads. Every place has back roads that are easier to drive than main busy highways or main roads. Or it's called driving classes which I know they encourage new drivers to stick to back roads for a while.

lolsaur 0

@59 I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I drive, and I actually understand student driver's difficulties. I remember how stressed I was when I was learning to drive. The kid driving probably doesn't think driving's a game, but needs to practice. The OP is just being a jerk off in that they're so angry that they need to tell off the student driver. And maybe the student driver wasn't scared, but almost hit the OP because of a blind spot. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "practice makes perfect?" I think that is completely appropriate in this situation.

Rosiel7891 0

#63 It wasn't the right answer to curse off the teenager. But I can also see why the OP was mad too. Driving can have scary moments and sometimes without thinking at that moment "maybe that's a new driver" we react negative to almost getting hit thinking it's an experience driver.

I_R_Genius 3

#59, Are you too scared to use proper grammar?

#60, exactly. I remember the first time I drove on a main road, I was stopped at a stoplight and got nervous because someone pulled up behind me. When the light turned green, I stalled. This increased my nervousness, and when I got the car started again, I dumped the clutch and peeled out with the wheels spinning and all. And this is after I'd done just fine in the parking lot and on back roads. Gotta learn on main roads sometime.

hopelessxdesign 5

if you only ever drive on back roads, then how are you ever going to learn how to drive on roads with a lot of traffic? driving takes practice and if you don't practice driving on busy roads, then you'll never know HOW to drive on busy roads.

CaptainPat 0

that's weird, today I was teaching my daughter how to drive, and this employee of mine told me too **** myself. I guess I should fire him.

ArmedcrackerR6 8

That's what you get dick. hahaha