By cunting cunts - 29/05/2012 17:10 - United Kingdom - Northolt

Today, I was driving home, when some kid on a motorbike shot in front of me from the pavement, almost running me off the road. When I confronted him, he screamed, "Watch where you're going next time!" If I could flush every last one of these human turds from the toilet of life, I would. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 524
You deserved it 3 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PuffDaddy395 3

Very cleverly worded, my friend. Well done.

kickuwithmyfist 1


jcmjr 4

Haha I bet you drive a blue Prius!!!!!!

It's illegal to use even a bike on the pavement here, never mind a motorbike- so that's why OP isn't to blame!

Idk you might plug up of attempted to flush em all :/

What's his address I will come beat him with a bat I hate kids.

If you're from the uk, why are you reffering to it as a 'sidewalk'?

partaytayy 3

hahaha flush every last one of these human turds... yeah, some people aren't that bright..

PhishloverA 14

110, even if the other guy was in a car he would still be at fault if OP wrecked

SinfulEnd 20

I know how to help you get rid of all them! "Forget" that you have breaks, and a steering wheel! Problem solved!

Sounds like a shit stain on the underwear of life