By cunting cunts - 29/05/2012 17:10 - United Kingdom - Northolt

Today, I was driving home, when some kid on a motorbike shot in front of me from the pavement, almost running me off the road. When I confronted him, he screamed, "Watch where you're going next time!" If I could flush every last one of these human turds from the toilet of life, I would. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 524
You deserved it 3 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PuffDaddy395 3

Very cleverly worded, my friend. Well done.

kickuwithmyfist 1


You had your chance, but stopped instead. Shame on you.

leogirl95 12

Your metaphor could not have said what I wanted to say more perfectly.

Such a world I would love to live in, but alas, it's only a dream...

I'm with you OP. The human turds of this world shall rue the day when sensibility becomes a necessity in life. And I will be there along side you with toilet paper in hand irradicating the smelly menance! No more will they stain the pure cotton underwear called life!

Well often when an individual is cut off by a driver moving from a sidewalk to the road, the person already driving on the road has the right of way. For this reason, I really hope your comment was intended as a dig against the motorbike driver and not OP as I perceived it to be.

You should of whooped his and told him watch out where your face is going, it keeps beating up my fist.

lululu333 7

Um no, he should also watch, even more than you perhaps, especially when most likely his ass could get killed since he is the one in the motorbike.

Na but in all reality motorcycles are dangerous I agree. I had a cousin who wrecked and was killed. So people who ride bikes need to be way more aware when they're riding fast.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

Riding a motorcycle is mostly dangerous because people aren't aware of their fragility. Not all bikers are like the one in this FML. Some cars drive too fast too, and some motorcyclists (like me) are responsible. But I agree with what you say, people shouldn't drive madly like that, in every kind of vehicle.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

That's why everyone should be caring for everyone else on the road. Motorcyclists should be well protected (helmet and so on) and car-drivers should care for them. That's like a truck versus a car, and people have the right to drive a car even if a truck can kill them : it's the responsibility of the truck to take care of cars. And in a global way everyone should care for everyone on the road, because it is too often forgotten that one may die each time they're in a vehicle.

I see what you mean Bob_Cat but what if you lose control of the bike there is more chance of serious injury then you would if you lost control of a car. But like you said it is the responsibility of the person driving the vehicle.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

That's exactly what I mean, ICastillo. I'm trying to say that most of times car-drivers aren't aware of bikes and of their fragility. There are a lot of turds on motorcycles like this kid and I'm ashamed of it, but not every motorcyclist is like that.

Ya man but its a shame that these people learn their lesson to late. I just hope people start respecting their own life and the lives around them, because no body deserves to have their life ended like that.

Bob_Cat_fml 14

That's exactly my point. (:

Cowgirl9999 8

If it makes you feel better OP, those driving skills and that attitude to other road users will likely see him wrapped around a tree before long.

Dom925 1

As much as I like "human turds," these people have already taken on the next derogatory iteration of the the F-word.