By anonymous - 10/08/2011 04:31 - United States

Today, I was dragged to the food store with my mom. While we were shopping, the fire alarm went off. My mom pushed the cart at me, nearly knocking me over, and sprinted for the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 314
You deserved it 2 632

Same thing different taste


dartslinger 0

Your an idiot. It's called a grocery store. I'd have done it to

Millenium_fml 3

You're calling somebody an idiot when you use the wrong form of "Your"? HAHAHA FAIL!

chengy4191 7

No one cares get with the times -_-

bizarre_ftw 21

Hide and sneak off, let her think you were stolen or something

beklynnez 2

parenting tips for the future

Lmao. Greaaaat mom you have. I only wish to have a mother like that.... Smh.

missdani360 0

do not want to be next to her when a horde of zombies appear

softballchikk123 2

Lol I cracked up picturing this