By anonymous - 10/08/2011 04:31 - United States

Today, I was dragged to the food store with my mom. While we were shopping, the fire alarm went off. My mom pushed the cart at me, nearly knocking me over, and sprinted for the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 314
You deserved it 2 632

Same thing different taste


You need to be prepared for this. There's some crazy ass moms out there these days ;p

hiiithere 0

like the ones on toddlers and tiaras

XxDancerGirlxX 17
Natty23 0

why are parents acting like dip ***** nowadays, pretty much the recent ones are about dumb ass parents being dicks to there children, **** the parents!!!

MacUser1986 5

This is why people should have to take a test if they want to be a parent.

jerico616 14

Next time, launch some cans of creamed corn at her head and then use her for a stepping stool to jump over the crowd!

Sounds like she could be a running back for the Falcons lol

Well, can you blame her? That wasn't the fire alarm, it was the grocery store monster alarm. Last one out gets eaten.

veill7 0

lmao... its not like ur a 5 yr old. u can walk yourself out of the store. What did u want her to do take ur hand and guide u out?

iluvboobies 9

FYL, OP. Hopefully you'll be a better parent than your mother someday.