By SeeMeInTheDark - 07/12/2009 08:54 - United States

Today, I was doing homework in my room when my roommate started meowing all of a sudden. Not only was he meowing, he started to make loud cat noises that resembled a cat being run over by a car. He's gonna be my roommate for the rest of the year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 084
You deserved it 3 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow...That's pretty reminiscent of my freshman year roommate. She would meow and crawl between your legs every time you came in the room. I switched halfway through the semester because she was freaking insane.

If that's all they do, not a big deal. My best friend makes little cat noises when he works. I've learned what they mean, so I can tell if he's tired, annoyed, happy, ect. It's actually pretty amusing.


I would love to have a roommate like that. My family (mother and two brothers) have (literally) been my roommates for the last three months. So concider yourself lucky

msfantastic 0

epic roomate. +10 pts to him I'd make noises back. Bark. Beep your horn. Make a truck horn noise and run the cat over. It would be fun.

this girl in my old high school would meow at people when they were too loud and annoying. weird.

Omg this is not an FML this is more a MLIA... I want to marry that dude :P

almigi 0

I know I may be showing my nerdiness/age here, but your roommate seems like he's following one of those old school Internet "How to Annoy your Roommate" lists which were all over the Internet in the late 80's/early 90's. Ahhh... the good old days

XD hey . I meow too just to annoy people...and sometimes my friend goes along with it and we sound like cats killing eachother.

Dont feel too bad, my nutbag room mate does the same thing. She is constantly meowing too her cat,

Well you seem to know the sound of a cat being run over.. I think that wasn't the first or the last time...