By SeeMeInTheDark - 07/12/2009 08:54 - United States

Today, I was doing homework in my room when my roommate started meowing all of a sudden. Not only was he meowing, he started to make loud cat noises that resembled a cat being run over by a car. He's gonna be my roommate for the rest of the year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 083
You deserved it 3 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow...That's pretty reminiscent of my freshman year roommate. She would meow and crawl between your legs every time you came in the room. I switched halfway through the semester because she was freaking insane.

If that's all they do, not a big deal. My best friend makes little cat noises when he works. I've learned what they mean, so I can tell if he's tired, annoyed, happy, ect. It's actually pretty amusing.


some_girl9 8

LOL Okay, seriously, is this a "guy thing" or something? Because I used to have a guy friend who would meow and make different cat noises all the time. I haven't spoken to him in like 2 years....

I really do feel sorry for you. A smart guy who wants to commit to his education having to share a room with a retard. Oh what a charming picture that conjours up

oh come on, look at the bright side. you'll never be bored again!

steggy414 0

I may know your roommate, you go to georgia tech?

stephanieeDawnx 0

You can turn your back on a friend, but never turn your back on a drug. Especially when its waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eye.

Aww, I bet he just wanted you to post it on mylifeisaverage and write "New best friend? I think so." :D

Dixie_Normous 0

Yes but unfortunately the OP is sane.

Take him to the vet and get him neutered, that should settle him down.