By Anonymous - 06/07/2012 02:13 - United States

Today, I was called into my first day of work as a cashier. Not even 30 minutes into training, my boss had already "accidentally" touched my ass 7 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 273
You deserved it 2 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should "accidentally" quit, and "mistakenly" punch him in the face.

perdix 29

Yeah, you could go the sexual harassment route and get him fired while collecting a tiny sum after years of legal proceedings. Or, you could grind that sweet ass into his hand, become the head cashier, and get paid double or more for performing entirely different 'jobs.


You should "accidentally" knee him in the groin.

bfsd42 20

Everybody, please read 54's comment. A joke is a joke. Not everyone who is trying to be funny is also trying to be offensive so please don't get so easily offended. I am a firm believer in equal rights, but I am also sensible enough to realize that it was a joke.

Whats wrong with bosses these days!? i think they take their position for granted somtimes, but there is absoultely no tolerance for that kind of behavior on any grounds...he is violating you as a person!

rightspark 7

Grab his ass back see if he likes it. Plus Op you must have a nice ass so take those compliments

Before pointing fingure at the boss, where OP wearing properly the didn't lead the boss to these "touching" actions?!

Dinosauresrexx93 0

Maybe you shouldn't dress like. ****. That may help. Yanno?

Spoken like a true chauvinistic virgin. Bravo.

SimpleGr33n 4

You deserve it after the first time and not doing anything about it grow some grapes and put him in his place!

Your pic instantly reminded me of Austin Powers for some reason.

Schwang? Pics or it didnt happen? Let the FML community judge if your ass was worth grabbing lol.