By tvaladie - 17/04/2009 00:19 - United States

Today, I was bored and decided it would be fun to pretend to be an undercover cop and pull over other cars. The first car I pulled over was a real undercover cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 142
You deserved it 350 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you're retarded. You know you can go to jail for that?


rainyday1010 0
stanga37_fml 0

A kid from my home town was doing that last summer... I heard he asked a lady to exit the vehicle... she refused... he punched her in the face..,

You're an idiot for doing this, and an even bigger idiot for complaining about it on here. YDI 100%!

umm..ur a fucken dumbass!! and u should really get a hobby or maybe even a life while your at it

You should be lucky that this FML didn't end with "...and the drug dealer shot me in the stomach. FML"

Scorponok 0
dudemitch 0

damn lucky you got a cop and not some criminal with a list of warrents ten miles long who will do anything to stay out of jail. and everyone whos saying this cant be real because hed be in jail....have you ever heard of this little thing called bail? you do not usually sit in jail for the year or more it may take for your case to get to trial. i have little doubt this is real.