By Anonymous - 07/08/2012 20:13 - Canada - Pierrefonds

Today, I was at a Chinese buffet, and I got a fortune cookie. I opened it, and it said, "The love of your life is sitting across from you". The only thing across from me was an empty chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 627
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't look far enough. The real love of your life is the buffet across the room. Send me an invitation to the wedding.


BMichele 2

I thought you were going to say an ugly hairy fat man. Either way, fyl op.

Austyn57 1

lonely im so lonely i have nobody for my ownnnnn!!!!!!

Yeah because every fortune in a fortune cookie can be taken seriously.

YDI for being speciesist. Chairs need love too!

No no, you're thinking objectophilia or phobia as the case may be.

Wow, that chair must be pretty offended! Chairs have feeling too, jeez.

redhedsaysrawr 18