By SoClose - 03/04/2013 16:57 - United States - Columbus

Today, I was approached by a What Not to Wear kind of show, where you get money to buy a new wardrobe. I was so excited that I fainted. They revoked the offer, reasoning that someone who faints so easily would be too much of a liability risk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 262
You deserved it 11 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sure your wardrobe wasn't the actual liability risk?

Well OP, I'm inclined to agree with them. That's hardly something to faint over. Although if it was a "What Not To Wear" type show, you've been insulted by them twice. You're apparently poorly dressed AND a liability.


Don't feel bad OP, I faint a lot and so my school makes me wear a helmet xD

Aw :( well still ask for help with your wardrobe if its that bad to make a show want you...

Jacksparrow72 21

Who faints that easily. I mean other than OP.

That's ridiculous! People faint on those shows all the time! Maybe they thought you were being over dramatic & just changed their minds!

when reading this FML it occurred to me that you never see guys on that kind of show. What's up with that?

Megan639 16

Wow I would be embarrassed. Maybe just spend your money on cute clothes instead of the ones you buy now.

And you didn't post that they thought your choice of clothing is atrocious? That would also be an FML. Yay for double FMLs.

You fainted? Sorry but I would gave passed on you too.