By SoClose - 03/04/2013 16:57 - United States - Columbus

Today, I was approached by a What Not to Wear kind of show, where you get money to buy a new wardrobe. I was so excited that I fainted. They revoked the offer, reasoning that someone who faints so easily would be too much of a liability risk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 262
You deserved it 11 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sure your wardrobe wasn't the actual liability risk?

Well OP, I'm inclined to agree with them. That's hardly something to faint over. Although if it was a "What Not To Wear" type show, you've been insulted by them twice. You're apparently poorly dressed AND a liability.


baileymariee 10

That sucks. But apparently so does your wardrobe. Sorry, that's mean of me. Take it as a reason to go buy yourself some new clothes! You don't need people making fun of your clothing choices.

Not everyone has the money to buy new clothes, some people just have to go thrift shoppin'.

I'm assuming OP got excited BECAUSE they don't have money to buy new clothes...

Thrift shops are fun. :D I think people assume that you have to spend big to look nice...or that thrift shops only sell dirty, old, out-of-fashion clothing. But some of my favorite clothing pieces are from thrift shops...and have lasted longer than some of my more expensive pieces too. And they only cost a couple of bucks too! If you're that worried about your dress sense OP to the point where it makes you faint, maybe you SHOULD start looking for some nicer clothing...

perdix 29

It excited you that they told you your fashion sense sucks? You wanna have a party? Your face is ugly and your eyes don't match. Cheers!

"Take it from me, she's a better catch!"

Wow wouldn't want to imagine what you would do if you won the lottery .... heart attack?

I don't know if I would be excited, what was so bad about your wardrobe? I saw those shows in the early 2000's, sometimes the outfits they came out with were bad. But, who knows!

Actually, it's probably more of a way for them to say "we don't want to get sued"

If your wardrobe was bad enough to get picked for a television makeover, maybe you'll get another opportunity in the future. Chin up, OP. :)

\ 28

Cue Freddie Mercury's "so close" image.

So your happy you were approached by the what not to wear show? ...Umm ... You got more to worry about than fainting girl