By piece of shed - 31/08/2011 14:00 - United States

Today, I walked into my shed to find my daughter's boyfriend asleep and completely duct-taped to the ceiling, with his face painted like a clown. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 238
You deserved it 3 500

Same thing different taste


I'd rather not assume that the OP's daughter did all that to her own bf.. Maybe there was a party with lots of booze, but whether she had a part in it or not, there has to have been help getting him onto the ceiling, holding him there and taping him in place.

buckeye08 10

THAT is awesome. I want pictures of this (:

Well it's good to know Duct Tape works, but did you at least talk to her about, I mean that is slightly creepy.

Does your daughter have a fetish of people taped to ceilings with a clown face 0.o

woody768 0

Uuum how? Lol I would love to hear this story.

GetPuckedUp 3
itsfreakinliv 8

that's why you never drink & pass out around your friends, because they will not hesitate do some shit like that. lol