By Michelle - 04/08/2009 17:31 - United States

Today, I turned on my boyfriend's computer and saw pictures of all of my credit cards, front and back, and several of my parent's credit cards. I looked in his e-mail and found receipts for items which had been billed to me and delivered to him, including golf clubs and my birthday gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 054
You deserved it 6 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do people not keep track of their bank and credit card records anymore?

niemann2006 0

call him out on it, although, how did he even get your credit cards long enough for him to scan them as well as your parents without you noticing?


Everything is just repeated on what one said. Lovely responses. Why not turn around and do the same to him? Fair game.

tokintot07 0

#14 agreeeed, you have enough information to charge him for big £££

you didn't notice the charges about your own credit card until you spied on him? that's irresponsible

mklr2005 0

how did you not notice there was money missing that you didn't spend???