By Burp - 19/04/2012 12:37 - United States

Today, I traveled by plane for the first time. Once in the air, I was absolutely terrorized by the whole experience. Luckily, they had free booze on board, so I necked some to steady my nerves. Unfortunately, the vodka mixed with air turbulence made me spurt some vomit into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 469
You deserved it 24 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead if the vodka, just sit back and take deep breaths. I have a horrible fear of flying :(

vomiting on your lap must be left for intelligent people.


Earplugs/ headphones are very effective in dealing with the change in air pressure. As for turbulence, just try to stay calm and lay off the booze. Not a good idea at all when you are shaking at 30,000 feet.

What airline were you flying on that has free booze? Or were you i first class?

Personally, I don't like flying because my ears always pop and are always affected by this popping feeling even after the flight. Maybe you should just swim across the oceans when you need to travel overseas.

A couple good yawns and it completely goes away.

Oh trust me, I've tried that. Even earplugs and gum don't help.

I get the same problem with air pressure, if you can put something warm just behind your ear lobe on your neck it helps with the discomfort :)

Free alcohol? What airline is that?! Take me with you next time. ;)

alicekittykatt 0

next time try whiskey tends to go down AND come up smoother

mintcar 9

I would've just say back and listened to some Smashing Pumpkins or The Cure. Pretty soothing stuff.

gkdine18 1

Good bands always make everything better, yeah

Every single one of your comments creeps me out.

mintcar 9

Obviously he wouldn't have taken it if it was unnecessary to do so.

TheDrifter 23

There is a valium lady on every flight I take. They're awesome, the read bobbing, drooling and all, especially if they have a low cut top so the drool can pool up instead of absorbing. If she talks in her sleep it's like winning an in flight comedic lottery.