By Burp - 19/04/2012 12:37 - United States

Today, I traveled by plane for the first time. Once in the air, I was absolutely terrorized by the whole experience. Luckily, they had free booze on board, so I necked some to steady my nerves. Unfortunately, the vodka mixed with air turbulence made me spurt some vomit into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 469
You deserved it 24 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead if the vodka, just sit back and take deep breaths. I have a horrible fear of flying :(

vomiting on your lap must be left for intelligent people.


Trisha_aus 15

Listen to the awesome song turbulence! Or earthquakey people!! I'll still keep on dancinnnnnn

Anytime Alcohol Is Free Take It...The Way Flights Are Now I'm Glad Its Free...I Don't Drink Though...But For Sure FYL...

I hate flying. Mostly due to the ear popping and shitty movies we're forced to watch. Hopefully it'll get better for you, OP!

blackrose131 2

Ummmm... You can't be terrorized by a situation. You can, however, be terrified. Maybe they could pick up a book and learn some English to take their mind off of the flight. Just saying.

fuckmebutdontfml 16

at least you picked vodka instead of rum and it was free, you'll get use to flying don't worry just take a book with you or a portable DVD next time it will help you forget you are flying

Flying for the first time can be nerve wrecking, it will get better the more you do it :)

cookieking101 0

I love flying! I have no fear of flying :)

nadnerbz 6

What airline had free booze? That's where I'm flying for now on

rolls_royce 0

Well as a little bit of comfort maybe, the airplane will not break because of turbulence it is like riding in a boat you just can't see the waves of air moving making the plane bounce sometimes. The worst there is is an incompetent pilot. Really I am a pilot and aircraft mechanic. The biggest factor in crashes or just stuff breaking is human error and mostly the pilot.