By Burp - 19/04/2012 12:37 - United States

Today, I traveled by plane for the first time. Once in the air, I was absolutely terrorized by the whole experience. Luckily, they had free booze on board, so I necked some to steady my nerves. Unfortunately, the vodka mixed with air turbulence made me spurt some vomit into my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 469
You deserved it 24 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead if the vodka, just sit back and take deep breaths. I have a horrible fear of flying :(

vomiting on your lap must be left for intelligent people.


Free booze?? What airline?!? OP, next time, less booze, more snooze.

Aww, sorry :( I never really had to experience that, cause my family travels a lot and i sort of grew up traveling by plane. Can't imagine what it would be like to be up there for the first time! I would be terrified for sure!

I'm surprised people are flying at all considering all the pilots that keep falling asleep or mistaking planets for other planes.

ssnowywinter 0

Well I'm surprised people drive at all considering the people who drive drunk and text while driving.

Flying in a plane isn't a problem at all, OP. You're being silly. Now, crashing, that's another matter entirely...

Hey no worries, the first plane ride I took, I jumped out. ;)

I have to take Xanax to fly. Well did. Still hate it but after enough of flights I can deal. I've also heard drowsy type allergy meds or OTC sleep pills work for some. I'm claustrophobic so it can still get bad. Meditation works well too. Though I prefer to just zonk out rofl

KiddNYC1O 20
wuffman 10

I don't get what is so scary about planes? I think there quite fun myself :)