By POLYBLOT - 30/06/2009 05:14 - United States

Today, I took chocolax to help lose some weight before I left for Miami. Turns out it doesn't happen right away like in the movies, it happens six hours later in front of your girlfriends parents, that you've just met for the first time at a very upperclass restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 953
You deserved it 56 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, you thought ******** your brains out at any point before the 6 hour mark would help you lose weight? Enough to notice? Wow, FYL indeed, because you're an idiot.

hotstuff81 0

Why the **** would you do that, its called going to the gym or eating healthy instead.


Laxatives don't make you lose weight, just water that your body needs. Nice.

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT for being so STUPID. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. Durrrrr and FML is annoying when it's not genuine misfortune, and always idiots who bring this shit upon themselves. Gawd, grow a brain (this goes for most of the FMLs)

thelonelylurker 0

The general consensus seems to be that you are stupid. I agree.

gawd, you're right. durrrrr. (and yes, #42, that was sarcasm)

FML isn't about every story being genuine misfortune, hence the "you totally deserved it" option. Also, OP you do totally deserve it for thinking that ******** your ass off was a good idea.

Number 41 shuck the **** up. No one says durrr anymore. You don't have to be suck a jerk. You need to grow a brain first Jackass.

people! give this man a break he was just trying to look his best for meeting his gf's parents

mylittlecrow 0

I hate that this site deletes your posts whenever you imply an FML is fake -_-" Because unless there are people dumb enough to take laxatives to lose weight/6 hours before an important event... this FML is definitely fake.

I'd feel bad for you, except this is something that you should have known. Read the directions next time before you take a medication you haven't. If you told a doctor that you did that they very well may slap you for something so stupid.

fxdxhk90 0

Jeez it's called diet and exercise, losing weight with laxatives is stupid because all you are doing is removing water from your body.

Taking laxatives to loose weight is bulimia. Plain and simple. You have a eating disorder. Don't try and loose weight this way. It will ruin your body. Big time.