By Anonymous - 23/08/2013 14:29 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that, due to my low self-confidence, all my bras are push-ups. He yelled, "EVERYTHING I KNEW IS A LIE" and stormed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 607
You deserved it 12 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kn0wledge123 21

The tooth fairy is real. I saw him last night. He told me to close my eyes and rub magical toothpaste out of a tube....didn't you ALL do that?! Right guys?...right?


OddShoeLaces 13

This sucks. I've the same problem but my guy took it a lot better. Hope he didn't have an effect you!

browniey 11

What's wrong with wearing a push up, just a piece of clothing. Hm curious has he not seen you without it?

Boobs shouldn't be the big issue here, it should be more about your personality and well...hell what guys think about a good personality? Self esteem issues,I deal with them sometimes, but then I think, "I'm awesome!" Sart thinking that OP, then just do that,be AWESOME! Your boyfriend is just being weird

Thank you so much for that comment! I was really getting upset with all the push-up bra approving comments. I dont understand, we do complain and recognize the effects of false advertisement in the media but when it comes to individuals, it's okay? I believe you are just making the competition harder with doing things like this and there is absolutely no need for it! The media already tells me that I should have large hooters now you are just showing me that that is indeed the new norm! Why are we so okay with this?

My friend and I created the Itty Bitty Titty Committee. You can join too if you want:)

bandeek 30

I used to have horrible self confidence, but when i was with my ex he showed me that he thought i was beautiful and he liked the way i looked and slowly over the two years i was able to build up my confidence with his help. Once we broke up i discovered he was full of shit, but i still had my self confidence.

iamsodoneman 4

I wear push up bras, not because I'm insecure but because why not? I hope he was joking around because that's ridiculous.

I wear push up bras and I am a solid C. They are more comfortable and supportive. Guys need to understand!

fritzie2011 5

Men will never understand what its like growing up as a women in today's society! You're better off without him!