By Anonymous - 23/08/2013 14:29 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that, due to my low self-confidence, all my bras are push-ups. He yelled, "EVERYTHING I KNEW IS A LIE" and stormed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 607
You deserved it 12 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kn0wledge123 21

The tooth fairy is real. I saw him last night. He told me to close my eyes and rub magical toothpaste out of a tube....didn't you ALL do that?! Right guys?...right?


DON'T LIE TO GUYS ABOUT THAT STUFF! It almost sounds like he was joking around though

It's because people use that as a crutch when they can't think of anything funny to say, knowing it will probably get a rise out of the person

papabear88 6

look in his pants than tell him the same thing

Honestly OP coming from a guys perspective I can tell you right now that your chest size is perfect exactly how it is. Of course I've never seen your chest but to men quite literally all boobs are great. You could have absolutely nothing there but it wouldn't matter in the slightest to the majority of men. What I'm trying to say OP is that boobs are purely extra, it's you that men are truly interested in, every man deep down wants to be with a woman who is proud of herself and capable, a partner, someone he can protect and love and eventually raise a family with. You're absolutely perfect as who you are no matter what you look like or how large your boobs are it doesn't matter one day the right man will look at you and feel like he's met his partner I assure you. So go be yourself and don't worry about breast size, it's the same as wearing brighter clothes, it's just a way to attract attention. :)

Funny how some things that alter how your body naturally looks (make up, shaving) is something guys tend to demand, while push up is apparently "false advertising". Personally I love my tiny ****, but I wear push-up because they hold my boobs in place like a ******* mold and I hate it when they bounce around. /hairflip