By fullmoonfml - 12/08/2010 23:05 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to moon people out of my friend's car window. I rolled down the window and mooned a random couple. You should have seen the looks on their faces when I had to get out of the car and pick up my phone and wallet, which were in my back pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 168
You deserved it 57 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I thought it would be funny to moon people out of my friend's car window." --> the first sentence alone already screams for YDI


yolie_fml 0

Everyone wins in this fml... I'm envisioning the walk of shame...

alexxss_fml 10
alexxss_fml 10

ahahahaha nice one 54. fail 23 fail.

rene22 18

this doesn't even deserve to be on FML. it's funny but in no way did you not deserve it

hug_the_wall 0

wouldent they have been gone by the time you pulled over to pick you're stuff up??

haha atleast you didn't pull a Rat Race and crap out a window onto a cop car.

finallyfreemaria 0

well that sucks dosent it? then again.. sounds like something i would do.. this should be a warning to anyone who wants to moon someone... check your pockets first. ^..^