By windthroughmyflab - 13/05/2015 23:19 - United States

Today, I stuck my hand out the car window and noticed my arm fat flapping in the wind. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 719
You deserved it 10 473

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Arm flap is one of the hardest things to get rid of. Even thin people can have it if they are genetically inclined. And for those genetically inclined people it can even cover up muscles you build from working out.

Attacksloth 33

Do something about it then. Eat better, low carb, high protein (fish, skinless chicken, 0% Greek yogurt, etc.). Lots of fruits and veggies. Keep a food journal. Do some weight exercises but make sure you focus on your core more, not your arms. I know your goal would be arms, but your core (abs, stomach, back) is the powerhouse of your body. A strong core makes everything else stronger. Google some weight exercises too. You'll want to switch it up. Have at least three different exercises for each part of your body. Keeps surprising your body and encourages better muscle growth. Finally: CARDIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do this every day. Biking, walking, running - doesn't matter! Don't overexert but also challenge yourself.

Sandman2015 12

Now what have learned about being a sabotaging dickbag?

metalgearsoldier 6

well.... it could´ve been your whole arm flapping....

this is the most funniest thing I've read. thank you for this. FYL ?

patwo8 14

Fly away on the wings of an eagle