By BabyBeardy - 10/12/2009 23:05 - Australia

Today, I stepped out of a bar in order to make a phone call. While I was outside, the bouncers arrived and ropes were put up. They wouldn't let me back in, claiming I was too young and they hadn't seen me come out. I was celebrating my 26th birthday, the legal drinking age is 18. I also have a beard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 194
You deserved it 3 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would've been better if it read: ''...the legal drinking age is 18. I have a beard. I'm also a woman. FML"


Dude, if you shaved, you'd look, like... 6 xD

bbedlock_fml 7

Haha :) Take it as a compliment

Freshmen at my highschool have beards, big deal

I had a beard when I was in grade 8 so what having a beard doesn't mean anything

Mortoli 30

I had full beard at around 14 15. Sadly drinking age here 21. Then again I don't drink so guess I'm ok. Though I like watching drunk people that is always fun lol