By DJ - 07/04/2013 18:52 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, I started training for a charity boxing match. When I got home and walked through the door, my dad punched me in the stomach to test my reaction time. As I lay on the floor trying to catch my breath, he said my reaction time was "terrible". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 602
You deserved it 5 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should test his reaction time by punching him in the balls.


buy him a pack of gum;Teach him how to chew it.

Rahii_nami 10

oh shit man...i guess u were in so much pain ..... i hate when someone punch me in the stomach ... but for sure i would return it back to him.....

Axel5238 29

Sucks for the OP. Get him back, prank or doing the sane back. If he likes chocolate covered pepper or a pepper dropped in the carton of oj works. Remember to slice the pepper all the oil comes from the seeds.

How can you expect to test someone's reaction time if you caught then off guard??? I'd say your dad just wanted to troll you :)

That is his father's point. He wanted to "test" the Original Poster's reaction time to a sneak attack.

This made me instantly think of Bleach, the way Isshin is with Ichigo when he walks in the front door.