By holyshitbatman - 09/11/2012 04:53 - United States - Toledo

Today, I started dating a seemingly normal guy. Not even four hours into our relationship, he began telling me that he can see spirits, dead people, and that I have a large black dog following me everywhere I go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 917
You deserved it 3 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theycallmejadeee 8

I'd be more worried about the "black dog" following you.


josiebella 1

Isn't that a Grimm? Is he a fan of Harry Potter?

Lucky! A lot of people only wish they could be dating Dean Winchester! =)

Wow, so this guy got a date AND has preternatural abilities? Sign me up!

I seriously want some follow-up comments by OP on this one.. Interesting and creepy at the same time

I do believe in a lot of the paranormal stuff, but I think it is weird that you just started dating and he tells you that... that is weird.

jayhawkchik 4

There are some people who can sense these things. If he's truly gifted and telling you the truth though, it would have made more sense for him to wait until you know each other before unloading that info on you. I wouldn't call myself a psychic, but I sense some things sometimes. I didn't tell my husband about it until we knew each other well, since most people don't believe in this stuff.

There are some things in this world that people conceive as crazy, yet why do you think he would tell you that with the possibility that he would be seen as a nut job, probably was telling the truth.