By racchhh - 26/07/2009 15:25 - United States

Today, I sent a forward to everyone in my phonebook saying, "HOUSE PARTY-NO PARENTS, LOTS OF ALCOHOL, MAYBE A CHANCE TO HOOK UP." I then got a reply from my mom saying, "I'm probably the only one that would show up." Even my mom thinks I'm a loser, and I'm now grounded for 3 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 866
You deserved it 88 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dashiell 0

Loser, srsly, who is dumb enough to not realize that they have their parents in their contacts?

I was gonna put some witty comment, but I realized your mom beat me to it.


YDI for immaturity. You'll have time for parties when you're older, Sweetheart.

star_ver 0

You fail for writing this long ass essay to someone on FML. Get a life.

laxgirl16202 0

Wooow you rlly do fail... How r yu gonna go out of ur way n say " some sex" now thts some loser shit

YDI for drinking. Flame me, I don't care, you're the ones knowingly poisoning yourselves.

TheCashMan88 0

Alcohol in moderation won't poison you, and some types may actually be benificial to the human body(red wine and possibly beer come to mind.) How does it feel to be so ignorant?

@ #135 She obviously wasnt promoting moderation. How does it feel to have shitty reasoning?

TheCashMan88 0

He said, "YDI for drinking." Now go ahead and tell me she meant drinking heavily, and not drinking in general. Who has shitty reasoning, now?

see i dont care about that part i just want to know how many retards/geeks said they could come? heh heh heh

Amandizzle 0

You are just a moron. im sorry.

Points 7 and 8 are just full of fail. Did you really think she was going to post her address on FML for us to see? And point 8, well, it has nothing to do with anything. I hate fatties just as much as the next person, but that came out of nowhere.

notashrimp 0

My god, you are an idiot. Who writes a text like that? "maybe some sex" really? YDI