By jusfonzin - 16/04/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, I sent a cover letter to a potential employer. In the letter, I talked about my great attention to detail, my strong ability to focus, and my stellar writing skills. After hitting send, I reread the letter and noticed that I typed my name "B-R-A-I-N." My name is Brian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 907
You deserved it 56 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just say it's your nickname or something. If you wrote about how intelligent you are, "Brain" might be appropriate...

Ummm that's why you read your letters before you send it.... you deserved that.


antonioohama 0

ALWAYS check the spelling to make sure it's correct. Honestly, idiots these days…

AtoZandBeyond 0

Play it off and pretend that you were being an ass by showing off how smart you by calling yourself Brain

I think that you and I have something in common; dyslexia. FML

AdventSeph 7

I accidentally wrote my name bitch instead of Mitch:) now I always reread my letters

shepaintsmusic 6

like one tiny typo matters that much.

exactly what o was thinking play it off as a pun or something you can still salvage it. probably not anymore though

atomicbaboon 0

did you remember to include your ability to cleverly turn normal names into cool nicknames?