By Eric - 13/05/2011 02:19

Today, I saw my dad chugging a beer in the garage. Why is that so bad? He was hosting an AA meeting in the basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 628
You deserved it 2 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha first time I read this I saw the word 'hugging'. personally I prefer that version of it.

m0tl3ycru3 0

getting hammered before AA, oh what a great idea.


faithe92 0

cheater cheater pumpkin eater

Well, the only solution is to find all the beer in your house and drink it before he does.

is it wrong I hardly see an American beer as alcohol? then again I'm Scottish xD

he could have been drinking new castle, or a sink the bismarck.

never get out of the car unless they day to! idiot...

aww poop damn phone posted it to the wrong thing..

*holds up beer* Trust me guys you don't want this, it's bad and stuff. Meeting is over, I'm going to the bar.

what a jerk.. screwing up his own life and then preaching to others.. FYL too for being related to such a weasel.

Evangeline1 0

why is this fck your life? it's more like... fck HIS life