By butisavedyourkid - 06/06/2013 04:13 - United States

Today, I rescued a little boy who looked like he was drowning in a public pool. His mother then smacked me in the face for "touching him". FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 257
You deserved it 3 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a hero in my eyes OP. Hope she apologised after you explained the situation.


avapaige1234 19

Throw the mom in the pool and walk out of the scene.

Should've backhanded her, Ike Turner style, and said "Maybe next time I'll let your little crotchfruit die, bitch." Then kicked her in the baby-oven so she couldn't spawn more. I'm a woman, but even I hate stupid, over-paranoid parents.

I would have let him drown. This reaction by his mom is exactly why I do not get involved or try to help anyone. It will likely bite me in the ass. Therefore, I would have watched as the last bubbles came to the surface.

Elfkid21 19

ungrateful bitch. (almost). shoulda let her little brat drown!!

I would've push the kid back in and let it drown.

TallMist 32

To everyone that said to drown the kid just because his mother smacked the OP, think about this: Why should the kid be punished just because he has a bad mother? The mother slapped OP for saving her kid. The mother, from what I can gather, didn't care enough to keep from watching the kid to make sure he's safe. The mother, again, from what I can gather, didn't care enough to save her kid. And the kid? Nearly drowned. Where does it say the mother's kid did anything wrong? Nowhere. Where does it say the mother did anything wrong? It's written all over it. I wouldn't say drowning a person is the answer here, but if it was, I'd say to drown the mother, not the kid.