By Damnit - 17/11/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, I realized that in my relationship with my significant other, the roles are switched. We went out for a nice dinner, I paid, and when we got home he "had a headache" and asked for an aspirin so he could go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 238
You deserved it 6 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welcome to the 21st century where people are people and there are no "roles".


Bently24 6

Men don't always have to pay you know?

Not so nice when it happens to you, is it?

How does it feel? Not very good right? Now to all you ladies when a guy takes you out spends money on you, buys you a nice dinner the least you could do is put out. Selfish b*tches.

And that's why I'll never let a man pay for my meal if he isn't my husband. That kind of mindset is wrong. It goes both ways. A man shouldn't be expected to pay all the time, but a woman shouldn't be expected to "put out" every time the man Does pay.

What the **** is wrong with you? Buying a girl dinner doesn't mean she has to suck your dick. ******* die.

it is so damn conservative to think the boy must always pay. yes it's nice at the first date but if you're dating a little longer the roles must sometimes swich if you don't want your boyfriend to go broke.

For all the people who voted op deserved it because "now you know how it feels when you do it to us!", consider for an instant that not all women do this, and you are generalizing in a horrendously sexist way. Op may have never done this in her life. You sound incredibly unintelligent.

How about those of us who clicked YDI because she chose this boyfriend who apparently doesn't have money or is unwilling to spend it?

You realize that you sound like just as much of an entitled prick as a stereotypical dude if you think that buying dinner means you deserve to get laid, right? Guys have feelings too.

How is this an FML? Who cares that he wanted an aspirin.

Could be worse. I pay all the bills, do all the housework, run all the errands, while my fiancé lies about impotency to avoid touching me.

It's California so you can't complain

my boyfriend and I are the same way.... when ever we go out I almost always end up paying and whenever I try to initiate some "fun" he always says no cause he's not in the mood or he's busy gaming....