By Fattypatty - 09/07/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I realized how fat I really am. While going to the bathroom I leaned to the side to wipe my butt and heard a crack. Not knowing what it was, I continued to wipe. After I finished, I got up to see that I'd cracked the toilet seat in half. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 319
You deserved it 58 266

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Diet. Gastric Bypass. Tummy Tuck. Gym. Something! D: and how the **** do you crack a porcelain seat like that? my God. :3


hahahaha, time to head to home depot for a new seat

itsallgood123 0

I agree 31 and 36, and 50 yes maybe they could be healthier but you don't know that they aren't trying, he could be trying and just have had chubby parents which caused him to be chubby plus for the first 18 years of your life if not longer your parents pretty much (not totally I understand there's things he could have changed but what kid does that) controll what food you have access to. so more then anything fyl op for probably having parents that predisposed you to unhealthy habbits and good luck if your working on being healthier

Mulada 0

No, he can't! There's already an obese mutant who can manipulate his own gravity (Blob). Although, he's a villain.

THANK YOU #50! Being fat is NOT 'being different.' How can you equate weight to race? Last I checked, anyone can lose weight, but your race is here to stay! There's a HUUGE difference between disliking someone for something they cannot change, and disliking them for something they COULD change if they just got off their fat lazy ass. Fat people do not have ANY excuse! (Except for the very very rare, medical cases. These are RARE though. Most fat people are just lazy/gluttonous). I hate what's been happening to our country! The fatties are taking over and trying to convince people that it's okay to be unhealthy, because they're just 'different.' Stop whining and get on the treadmill, dammit!

Yeah it depends on how much you weigh, I'm 6'3 350lbs and have never done anything like that, a few chairs maybe lol but unless your severally overweight I dought it was your weight lol

inbloom_fml 0

how did it take so long for you to realize that? you didn't take the hint after you couldn't see your feet past your fat rolls? how about you stop complaining about how flabby you are, and do something about it. whenever i go to the gym, it seriously stumps me to see such huge people that are there for the first time. as soon as you notice you're gaining weight, go jogging or something. don't wait 3 or 4 years until your excesive weight gives you diabetes or breaks your toilet seat.

I was going to say something about the medical causes but, you already said it. I feel sorry if someone like that got yelled at because they were fat, and then the person says that they can change it by excersizing, dieting, etc. and another medical condition makes it so they can't. (to 66)

hossgray 0

SHUT THE **** UP!! All you sons of bitches who say "ydi fatty" you buncha fecal stained **** sticks!!!!! Go to hell!!, all of you! Your all probably to young and immature to me on fml anyway! Go Wack off!, or do whatever it is little prick twelve year olds do!!' SHIT you people piss me off!! How the hell could you say that!! Some people can't help it! DAMMIT!! I had a weight problem when I was younger and people made fun of me all the time I know how it is!

who leans to the side when they wipe?

...Dude, chill. Seriously, you don't sound too mature by this hissy fit. And yes weight can be helped. Getting exercise and eating the right things with the right proportions helps. =/

shut up he/she can have a "hissy fit" if dey want to.

inbloom_fml 0

so, you're saying terrorists don't hate americans because of their political and social views, but because they're overweight? mkayy.

daydreambeliever 0

Being overweight is a social view. Here it is widely accepted and common (2/3 of people are overweight in America). Its played off by excuses, which has turned America into a country that has no self control and a sense of entitlement. Go to Europe, few people are fat there and they think we are fat and lazy, and do you know what? They are right. We need to take our country back, there is zero morality (and I'm not talking church stuff) and zero control. Its a problem and its not just obesity that's causing it, but that is a sign that we have a problem. Oh and in many cases this *thyroid problem* is bullshit. My bf has a diagnosed thyroid problem (he was overweight until high school) and he works hard and eats well to be lean. He looks fantastic, you would never know he has an actual medical issue. Medication helps as well. The only symptom that shows is his sleeping problems. So excuses don't work in 99% of cases. It just pisses people off more.

hippywitch510 0

Ppl who say they hate fat ppl have some insecurity problems.