By flaps - 19/08/2009 21:02 - United States

Today, I re-dislocated my arm trying to get it out of the cast it was in because I didn't want to pay the $50 dollar fee to get it taken off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 709
You deserved it 95 438

Same thing different taste


YDI for dislocating your arm in the first place.

Ron24 0

And maybe when you need your knees replaced, you'll do that yourself to?

I dunno about other countries, but my country, notorious for having crappy public healthcare, if I want to see a (non-specialist) doctor, I can just go to him pretty much instantly, at the clinic near my home. I'm not too sure about specialists for elective things, but if people don't feel like waiting here, they're more than welcome to pay for it privately, for more money, and the insurance company may or may not decide to help them out. but the people who can't afford to get treatment, still get it, they just have to wait in line. the problem with non-universal health care, is that it depends on you having money. and not so surprisingly, sick people have a harder time getting that. the people who need health care the most are the ones who can't afford it.

musu_fml 0

Tarynkd: Here is my local NHS area: Note: "When you need to see a doctor quickly, you should be offered an appointment within two working days." Hmm, "within two working days" does not sound like "months" to me. I love it when Americans point to failings in Canada and other smaller, poorer countries (ie, every other country on the planet) and claim that it'll happen in America if they get universal healthcare; what, are you so unpatriotic that you think your country, the world's richest, can't create a universal healthcare system that works? Why do you hate America? :P You don't trust your government to run your healthcare, but you do trust them to run your nukes. Do you really have your priorities straight there?

WTF did you even have a cast on for a shoulder dislocation FOR anyway? I have chronic dislocations, and I've never once needed a cast, not even the first time I did it when I fell down a flight of stairs. Generally a sling will do for a dislocation - looks to me like your doctor was trying to screw you out of more money. FYL for living in a country that charges for simple healthcare like that...

kionnalexus 0
honeyishrnkdakid 2

Maybe he's not well off. FYL OP

atraiocatharsis 0


musu_fml 0
Carterv 0

Idiot. Theyre made so that the can't be pulled off.

mymouse 0

Nope, I don't trust my government with that at all. I'm all for universal healthcare, but the US will find a way to screw it up.