By flaps - 19/08/2009 21:02 - United States

Today, I re-dislocated my arm trying to get it out of the cast it was in because I didn't want to pay the $50 dollar fee to get it taken off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 709
You deserved it 95 438

Same thing different taste


teach09 0

scissors...they work wonders.. I helped a friend take his cast off with them...

dcstream 0

We get too many people like you in our hospital. Really, I feel for you. Some of the simplest, easiest, and cheapest procedures cost insane amounts. There isn't a lot to taking off a cast, and it should come free. There's also no reason I should be paid as much as I am making. A lot of people think health is complicated - it's not. I could compare it to learning a new language.

dcstream 0

It takes more time to situate and clear a patient's insurance coverage, or lack of it, when they come to our hospital. People think that because more people will need treatment it's going to completely overflow our hospitals. It's not - we have zero problem bringing patients in and out of the hospital once they are healthy. Realistically, a check-up or exam will take half an hour. If it's life-threatening, you're given care right away. If it's not, you can stand waiting 20 - 30 minutes.

You shoulda just coughed up the 50 bucks and not been such a cheapskate.

ziqi92 0

WOW seriously, did u honestly think u could do such a job?? what a n00b. now stop being so cheap for the sake of all americans

TheCashMan88 0

This is why I love being in the military. it wouldn't cost me a dime to get a cast put on OR replaced on myself or my wife and kid.

tarynkd, We pay twice as much for health care as any other country and we don't have the best outcomes. We clearly have the most underperforming system in the world. Whether we do it with a universal, single-payer system, co-ops, public options or even strong, patient-friendly regulation of the private system, we need to do a major overhaul of the system. I don't see how anyone with a capitalist mindset can accept paying so much for such mediocre results. Free market mechanisms are simply not working to make our health care system efficient.

dcstream 0

**** you Plexico, we have better Healthcare then Slovenia!